New Saturday Morning Youth Class
From February 1st 2020, there’s an additional youth class from 9:45-10:30 every Saturday morning!
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From February 1st 2020, there’s an additional youth class from 9:45-10:30 every Saturday morning!
Join us for an eye-opening look at conflict’s roots and resolutions with local author, bartender, and bouncer Jeff Burkhart. Don’t miss this chance to learn what happens when Aikido philosophy meets real life!
Join us for a rare two hour seminar with one of the last remaining students of the Founder of Aikido! Sawa Sensei only visits the US once a year and spaces are limited. Sign up now!
July 13th Workshop: Stretching Smarter for Boosted Performance and Less Risk of Injury. Learn the most up to date sports-science on how to warm-up and cool down for Aikido or any sport.
We’re revising our weapons practice schedule to fit your life better!
Join us for 2 hours of training with Ryuji Sawa Sensei, 7th dan. Sawa Sensei is making a special trip from Japan to lead a series of workshops in the Bay Area.
As one of the few remaining original students of O-Sensei, Sawa Sensei has direct insight into traditional Aikido techniques and philosophy. Don't miss this rare opportunity to train with a true master.
It's often said that that atemi (striking) is 99% of Aikido. This workshop gives you a chance to brush up your striking skills. Our multi-disciplinary team will show you the basic of closed and open hand strikes. Come throw some punches, refine your technique, and have some fun!
Zen meditation is one of the simplest, most direct ways to access the present moment and find contentment with the world as it is, not as you'd like it to be. Join Patrick Reynolds, certified zen teacher for a fun, insightful introduction to this ancient art.
247 Shoreline Hwy #A11
Tam Junction Center
Mill Valley, CA 94941
T: 415.215.4406